Do you know what business is? Really?

Do YOU know what business is? Really?

90% of network marketers fail because they don't understand these basic business realities

The Law of Success is immutable. You can't break it. You can only break yourself, and your business, against it. It says…

"Do ONLY the right things for ONLY the right reasons."
If you can achieve that, you cannot go wrong. But there's a fundamental dilemma that confronts every business owner… including YOU. You either KNOW the right things and the right reasons for doing them, or you DON'T.
Until you understand the crucial business realities you'll find in this section, much of what you'll find here — and a lot of what you've been doing in your business until now — is a waste of time. Studying this section should be your most important and most urgent priority. These are foundation principles. Without sure foundations, your enterprise will eventually collapse.
In this section you'll discover a few things you probably know. Don't let that fool you. There WILL be things — LOTS of them — that you DON'T know. Or which you've misunderstood. And that ignorance or misunderstanding has been why you've been doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons, the right things for the wrong reasons, or the wrong things for the right reasons (the classic "end justifies the means" rationalisation for compromising your integrity, damaging your relationships and poisoning your self esteem) — and wondering why you're not enjoying the kind of success you envisioned for your business when starting out.
On the page beneath this one is a simple model of your business vehicle. Click on the different features to learn more about them. Some will be familiar. Beware… one of the most common booby traps that sabotage us every day is this: "we mistake similarity for difference." (Sounds absurd, doesn't it? Read on — you'll soon discover how YOU fall for it almost every day, without even realising it!)
John Counsel
CEO, The Profit Clinic

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